Planting certainty in the face of uncertainty

Financial donations are welcomed by individuals and companies, they will be given a monthly updates on current projects and opportunities for discounted services and products in spring 2021.

We are looking for individuals with a common interest in:

- Environmental issues

- BME Ownership and representation in the agribusiness sector

- Food and fuel insecurity Sustainable Land Management

- Green enterprise, Community Education

- Animal welfare

- Ethical consumerism and decolonisation of our natural resources.

Donations of time and energy are also welcomed, as we have many opportunities for people of all skill levels to contribute to the development of a sustainable future

All donations will help us ensure mutually supportive spaces for our Native Welsh Black Honey Bees and mutually resourceful spaces for our Welsh BME and low-income communities to help Wales achieve her sustainability goals.

I would like to contribute towards:

*All monetary donations will be used to ensure that any volunteers on low income, who have the will to learn and earn, can engage in the projects with the appropriate clothing. This includes the homeless and refugees.